Talk at Mapeera on Social Media Etiquette

Attentive Students

Sunday July 23rd saw me deliver a talk/workshop at Kisubi Mapeera Senior Secondary School to the whole school population (Parents, Teachers and Students). I was invited by the school administration after I had hinted at the importance of digital media literacy in a previous talk which had primarily focussed on preparing for national examinations. As has become my tradition, use the opportunities I have meeting stakeholders to raise awareness on some critical issues in society.

During the talk, we explored the positive role social media can and does play in society and then presented the threats facing youths in social media use. My contention is that while these tools are essentially good, they remain tools that can be used for the better or worse. During the talk, we used examples of abuse from Uganda, and many parents seemed genuinely surprised at how little they knew or were doing to protect their children.

Kisubi – Mapeera Welcomes You!

We sought to equip parents with some basic knowledge so that they can ably guide  their children as they encourage them to use these tools.

Some basic tips included

– Be aware and knowldgeable

– Don’t trust everything and everyone

– Be careful with how much information you disclose about yourself online

I will be delivering a similar talk in another school where I have been invited by a Proprietor parent who attended the seminar.

“So Little Done, So Much To Do!” — Gakyali Mabaga, as the Budonians say



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